Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on Independence Day! The Constitution won. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. He would have to wonder whether a quick decision or a difficult decision or a decision that seemed right at the time would be subje