Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Embracing The Body With Edie Bartley



In this epsiode, Oni Blecher speaks with Edie Barltey. Edie is a Sexologist and Art therapist with a background in psychotherapy. Edie has also complted her doula training and has assisted birth. Her approach as both a therapist and a human being is open minded, non-judgmental and heart centred. Edie’s work aims to normalise conversations around sex and pleasure and the social and cultural discourse around both. She sheds light on topics relating to nervous system health, navigating stress and overwhelm, self worth, self compassion and acceptance, dealing with chronic pain or illness, menstrual cycle health, consent, boundaries and relationships. In this interview we also cover menstrual shame; the topic of Edie's thesis. Edie’s work expands into realms of the grater human experience, with healing and wellbeing. She offers a safe space, where anything and everything can be spoken, acknowledged, seen and acceptedIn this conversation, we span many topics and curiosities; all aligning to embracing the body at ma