Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

Jesus heals 10 lepers



Today's story is found in your Bibles - you can read it in Luke 17:11-19 - Jesus heals 10 lepers. It all started with ten men who were very sick. They had leprosy—a sickness where they had red lumps and bumps on their body. The worst part about leprosy was nobody could touch you, or else they’d get sick, too! So the ten men with leprosy weren’t allowed to live inside their village. They stayed outside, and they must have been pretty sad.  But one day, Jesus was walking to Jerusalem when he came across the village where the lepers lived. One of the lepers sprang to his feet when he saw Jesus coming toward them in the distance.  “Hey!” he called out to his fellow leper friends. “Look! Is that Jesus?”  “It is!” said another leper. “Let’s call out to him!”  The lepers were very excited to see Jesus, because they had heard that Jesus healed people. Could Jesus heal them, too?  “Jesus!” they called out. “Jesus!” As Jesus came closer, He could see the men with their lumps and bumps. He could see that they we