Tatiana Is Everyone | An Orphan Black Podcast

Josh Vokey Interview — Episode 41



Josh Vokey's character Scott, Cosima's lab monkey turned close friend, really came into his own during the second season and has become quite a fan favorite. We were excited to get to talk to Josh about Scott's relationship with Cosima and Scott's endearing awkwardness. Send us a voice message or call us at 972-514-7223. Questions Discussed Include: How did you get involved in Orphan Black? What was your audition process like? Did you know when you got the part that Scott would be a recurring character? We don’t know much about Scott’s background yet. What do you imagine his background to be like?  When season 2 started, did you know your role would expand the way it did? Were you excited to come to Dyad? Do you share any of Scott's interest in science? How has playing Scott shaped your opinion about the ethics of scientific research? In the Season 2 finale, you got to be in a scene with Sarah and Rachel. Were you excited to get to work with different clones besides Cosima?