Ponderings From The Perch

Replay of me on Joseph Jaffe's podcast



Hey y’all, Priscilla McKinney here! This episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing Podcast, will be a replay of a part of my appearance on Joseph Jaffe’s podcast, Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous. Amongst the hijinks, I talk with Jaffe about my book, Collaboration is the New Competition: Why the Future of Work Rewards A Cross Pollinating Hive Mind and How Not to Get Left Behind. The book's chapters are designed to be time-efficient, ensuring busy professionals can easily integrate these transformative ideas into their workflow. From discussing the state of affairs in business to providing fundamental strategies for growth, this book offers a fresh perspective and a competitive advantage in today's complex business landscape. (LINK to purchase). “Collaboration is not about losing the hierarchy,” I explain. “It's about seeing it for what it is now, not importing unnecessary value.” We also discuss LBM’s SOAR™ system, which provides businesses a framework for effective marketing that moves be