Spittin Chiclets

Spittin’ Chiclets Episode 513: Featuring Mark Messier



On Episode 513 of Spittin’ Chiclets, Mark Messier (01:11:44) joins to discuss his legendary run as an oiler, the transition to winning in New York, his relationship with Gretzky throughout the years, and much more. But first, Biz and Whit tie up a few loose ends as free agency continues to set the tone for next years storylines. Which teams should be disappointed with their off-season moves so far? What’s in store for the chiclets boys over the summer? Who will be our next white whale interview? All this and more in this weeks episode. 00:00:00 - Start 00:20:15 - Free Agency 01:11:44 - Mark Messier 02:32:20 - Around the League 02:36:11 - ETC. Support the Show: PINK WHITNEY: Take Your Shot with Pink Whitney NETSUITE: Head to https://NetSuite.com/CHICLETS.  CREMO SHAVING CREAM: You can find the new Cremo Men’s Body Wash at Walmart or https://Walmart.com VIATOR: Download the Viator app now to use code VIATOR10 for 10% off your first booking in the app.You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcas