Newnan Fumc

June 30, 2024 | In The Same Boat | Rev. Connor Bell



Scripture Reading from Jonah 1:1-6   As a Scripture Response, Rev. Bell played guitar and sang “Jonah and the Whale," vs. 1 and 2   Verse 1 In the Bible we are told Of a prophet who was called To a city that was steeped in awful sin All the people in that place Were devoid of saving grace And the prophet seemed afraid to enter in   Chorus Over there, In that land bright bright and fair Oh he’ll tell me all about it over there On the hallelujah strand God will take me by the hand And he’ll tell me all about it over there!   Verse 2 Then ol’ Jonah forth was sent That old Ninevah might repent But instead of that to Tarshish he set sail Oh the sailors, they were kind But Jonah had a stubborn mind So off the ship he went and into the belly of a whale.   Chorus