Weather Geeks

Weather Geeks 10th Anniversary



Guest: Dr. Shepherd & the Creators of Weather GeeksAs long as there has been weather, we have had weather geeks. Before we had the radar to see storms from different layers and the satellites to see hurricanes from space, the fascination of weather has always been there. But only for the past 10 years has there been a Weather Geeks show; first starting as a half-hour geek out on The Weather Channel and now a podcast that you’re listening to wherever you are! And since the beginning, Dr. Marshall Shepherd from the University of Georgia has been your host and he’s sitting down with us to reminisce and regale about the past 10 years of Weather Geeks…Chapters00:00 The Fascination of Weather Geeks02:14 Bitten by the Weather Bug04:28 Creating a Meet the Press for Weather05:07 The Reluctant Host10:39 The Evolution of Hosting16:17 Fascinating Guests21:39 Geeking Out with Ginger Zee and Janice Hough22:05 A Place to Geek Out22:42 The Value of Weather Geeks in the Weathergeek Community24:21 Challenges