Move Fast and Build AI -- The AI Story of Amplitude As Told By Its CPO



In this episode of Rocketship.FM, host Mike Belsito explores the rapid evolution of AI in product development through an engaging conversation with Francois, the Chief Product Officer of Amplitude. Francois shares insights into Amplitude's journey of integrating AI features into their analytics suite, including the challenges and unexpected learnings they encountered along the way. The discussion revolves around the new mantra "move fast and build AI," emphasizing the importance of speed and experimentation in the current AI-driven landscape. Throughout the episode, Francois offers valuable advice for product teams navigating the AI revolution. He stresses the importance of focusing on customer problems rather than being enamored by technology, and encourages a mindset of continuous learning and experimentation. The conversation also touches on the need for calculated risk-taking, the pitfalls of over-reliance on frameworks, and the potential for AI to become an essential ingredient in every product. Francois