Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Ryan Bridge: Our new hope, wait, and see approach to policing in NZ



We've just adopted a hope, wait, and see approach to policing in this country.  This at a time when crime is out of control, people don't feel safe in their own homes and on city streets. 150-thousand retail crimes were reported last year.  Despite their best efforts, our cops are struggling to keep up and they've just been delivered a slap in the face by the government.  The Police Association has lost its final-offer arbitration over pay increases, meaning the government won.  Chris Cahill says he can now only "hope" that officers won't move to Aussie en masse, where pay is way higher and conditions much better.  On the face of it, the offer actually looks pretty good.  Along with a lump sum and overtime being paid —not to be scoffed at— the increases are actually 4% from July 1, back dated, and a further 4% from 2025.  If we believe Adrian Orr and Co's predictions about inflation hitting the target 1-3% later this year, then the increase will actually beat inflation.  Sounds alright, right?  Not when you c