Albuquerque Business Podcast

Breaking Free from "Poor Dad" Thinking: How I Changed My Money Mindset and Built a Richer Life



Ever felt like you're stuck, like success is just out of reach? Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" hit me hard with this truth: our mindset is everything. Kiyosaki contrasts his "rich dad" (his mentor) and his "poor dad" (his own father), showing how different views on money and success can make or break us. I've struggled with this myself. Growing up, most of the people around me had that "poor dad" mindset. They were good people, hard workers, but they saw money as something you just earned at a job, not something you could grow. I started noticing how their fear of risk and their focus on just getting by was rubbing off on me. It was like a subtle pull, holding me back from even dreaming bigger. But reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" was a wake-up call. It made me realize I needed to shake things up if I wanted a different life. Learning to Think Like a "Rich Dad" I started seeking out people who were already successful, people who thought like Kiyosaki's "rich dad." I read books on finance, took courses, and