On The Edge With April Mahoney

Author Andrea Ezerins shares the release of "Again and Again Back to You"



YOUTUBE VERSION https://youtu.be/D5wKD9Ldb2o https://andreaezerins.com Hello, I’m a debut author with my book Again and Again Back To You coming out in September 2024. And I have no business writing a novel. I’m a business major who worked in Corporate America for the last thirty plus years. While I love to read and relish a solid plot with no weak points or holes, that doesn’t qualify me to write a novel. But that is exactly what I’ve done. Fifteen years ago, an idea for an ending to a story came to me and I was compelled to put it down on paper. It presented a unique plot twist that I love in books. Once I had the ending written down, I began to think about what the beginning and middle of the story could be that would do justice to my ending. Click on About The Author if you are interested in the details of how an insurance executive ended up finding her passion despite discovering that writing does not come easy but is in fact a painful slog to get the stories in my head down on paper.