Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

Part 2 — Repaving The Romans Road: The Audience of Romans



To truly grasp the profound teachings in the book of Romans, one must first understand the audience Paul addresses. Without recognizing the specific group Paul is speaking to, the depth and purpose of his message can be easily misunderstood. This week's message, "The Audience of Romans," aims to shed light on the recipients of Paul's letter, highlighting how this context is crucial for interpreting his development and intentions throughout the epistle. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an i