Lin. Woods' Gospel Entertainment Podcast

Episode 273: Pioneer Gospel Jazz Fusionist Bruce V Allen Shares Surviving Stroke A God's Comeback



Tune in for a compelling episode of Lin. Woods Gospel Entertainment Podcast features pioneer Gospel Jazz Fusionist Bruce V. Allen, who shares his incredible backstory from musician to recording duo Allen and Allen.  Hear about his remarkable journey to recovery after a major stroke, resilient faith, and the inspiring Comeback music that emerged from his experience. Follow & Subscribe: Stay updated with more inspiring life-changing stories. Download for FREE: Access this episode and many more at no cost. Listen now and let Bruce V. Allen's testimony touch your heart and uplift your spirit.#Bruce V. Allen  #LinWoodsGospelEntertainmentPodcast #GospelJazz #inspirational #Christianity #StrokeSurvivor Connect on Social Media:X: @linwoodsInstagram & Tik Tok: @linwoods96Facebook: @Lin WoosLinkedIn: @Lin. Woods