Liquid Church

Was Jesus Conservative or Liberal?



Anger and fear have turned American politics toxic. Is there hope beyond the culture wars? Jesus lived in the middle of a culture war with Rome. His people were bitterly divided by religious beliefs, political positions, income inequality, and ethnic differences. Sound familiar?  So where was Jesus in all this?  Did He side with conservatives or liberals?  Did he run a campaign to Make Israel Great Again?  A: None of the above.  Instead, Jesus went from town to town, offering hope and a brand-new way to live free… regardless of who has the power, money, or influence. The Kingdom of God is bigger than our petty political boxes and little labels.  Jesus promised His Kingdom would transform people’s hearts… and eventually the world!  This is how to live free as a Kingdom Christian in a deeply divided world! Check this out: In the Bible (Mark 12:13-17), political leaders tried to trap Jesus into picking sides on the hot button issue of taxes. But Jesus elevated the conversation and showed that while government cl