Hancock And Kelley

Bush-Bell clash, a halt on SLPS hires, could Schmitt be in line for Trump cabinet post?



St. Louis Congresswoman Cori Bush and her chief rival in the upcoming Aug. 6 Democrat primary, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, clashed at an UMSL candidate’s forum this past week. This weekend, Bush is doubling down on her credentials as a member of Congress’s progressive-left “Squad,” by inviting Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts to campaign with her this weekend, as Bell opens up a commanding lead in fundraising and polls. … In an exclusive interview with FOX 2 News, Republican Missouri Governor Mike Parson reveals his endorsements for key races in the upcoming GOP primary. … The St. Louis City Public School Board halts new hiring and is reviewing recent hires by Supt. Dr. Keisha Scarlett, after Scarlett’s most recent hire: a new, high-paid communications director who posted on social media that she would not be moving to St. Louis full time after taking the job. … A judge has halted St. Louis’s guaranteed basic income program, supported by the c