Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S02 - Glorious Quran - The Quran, Full of Treasures



The Quran, Full of Treasures A man suffering problems with his own heart is given a new lease of life by reciitng 11 times Surah 13 v28, Indeed in the remembrance of Allah SWT do hearts find rest. Thus whoever needs it may also recite it. Recite Surah 30 v17-19 in the morning and all the shortcomings in your acts will be repaired... recite in the evening and those acts will be repaired (Abo Dawood). Prophet Ibrahim (as) is given the title of Waf'Faa [the one who fulfilled] for he recited the following every morning/evening, Surah 30 v17-18 (Ahmad). There is no verse more severe upon the rebellious Shaytan than Surah 2 v163, And your God in One God- there is no God but He The Supreme Merciful, Most Kind.