Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S01 - Sadaqah - The ignorant generous is more beloved to Allah SWT than a worshipping miser



Moosa (ra) had laid a curse upon Samiree so that if anyone touched him then both the parties would contract fever (Mariful Quran), Surah 20 v97. The scholars believe that charity protects even a wrongdoing person (Baihqi) [as Samirree was spared execution since he was very generous and helped those in distress] (Roohul Mannee). 4 things destroy the heart Debating with fools, excessive sinning, excessive mixing with women and to sit with the dead ( a rich man has pride due to his wealth) (Ad Durr Al Manthoor). The ignorant generous is more beloved to Allah SWT than a worshipping miser (Tirmidhi).