Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S03 - Fasting & Sadaqah- Fasting has no equal (Nasaa'ee).



The Holy Month of Ramadan and the Glorious Deed of Fasting. And for this [Paradise] let those strive, who wish to strive Surah 83 v26. Whoever Fasts the entire Month of Ramadhan with Belief and expecting reward - then all his past & future sins will be forgiven (Nasaa'ee). The Fast of Ramadhan and Fasting 3 days every month will remove the impurity and whisperings from the heart (Ahmad). Fasting has no equal (Nasaa'ee). Sadaqa & The Holy Lands Lawful wealth spent in a lawful manner washes away sins just as water washes away dirt from a rock covered in dust (Ahmad).