Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 397 - CrowdStrike Outage



Today we are working with the charts for the CrowdStrike Outage July 2024 If you're listening on YouTube charts are located at Join me online or physically at the 2024 AA conference   Local time for (possibly) where the techie made the mistake Austin Texas Pisces Asc, Saturn retrograde conjunct Asc...along with Neptune in first house also retro Uranus/Mars conjunction in 3rd house NOTE time used as 4:09 UTC Note: Yod linking Moon, Mars/Uranus, Sun  London, United Kingdom Cancer Asc, Sun conjunct Ruler = Moon, Moon located in 6th house of health India Virgo Asc, ruler Mercury in 12th house, Uranus/Mars in 9th house of long-distance travel Jupiter conjunct MC Hong Kong Libra Asc, ruler = Venus located in 10th house of career, Sun conjunct MC   CEO of CrowdStrike George Kurtz Whole Sign chart IGNORE ASC & MC !! Sun Venus Taurus, Moon Cancer Natal Saturn in Pisces, having a (I would expect horrible) second Saturn Retur