Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Marta Spirk, Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Embrace Authenticity and Boost Business Visibility, Episode 352



Today, we feature Marta Spirk, a Brazilian-born linguistics expert, TEDx speaker, and award-winning author. Marta shares her inspiring journey from Brazil to becoming a successful entrepreneur and mother of triplets. She discusses the power of self-confidence, self-promotion, and authenticity in building a business. Marta also highlights the importance of brand awareness and visibility, offering valuable insights on how women entrepreneurs can embrace their true selves and step boldly into the spotlight. Additionally, she previews her upcoming talk at Ignite, where she'll provide actionable strategies for landing TEDx stages and leveraging visibility for business growth. In This Episode: Marta shares her journey from learning English through music in Brazil to starting a coaching business as a mother of triplets, supporting women's visibility, and branching into music. The importance of self-promotion and visibility for women entrepreneurs, emphasizing authenticity and understanding their "why." Chal