Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

562: 5 Steps for Dealing with Failure When Starting Something New (Mindset & Self-Care)



In this episode, we're going to talk about five steps for dealing with failure when you start something new. I love this topic because failure is a given for entrepreneurs, and starting new things is essential for our success. If we cannot handle failure properly and if we don't start new things, entrepreneurship will be unsuccessful. I've been an entrepreneur for 14 years, and I can say that most of the reason I've found success is because I've picked myself up again and again after many failures over the years. I'll share two of my biggest failures with you, so you never feel bad or stupid or worthless after failing. Failure is proof that you're trying, doing your best, and taking action. We don't learn anything when we succeed; we learn and grow when we fail. Action Plan: 1 - Face the fear of failing: Sit with your fears and understand that failure is a growth tool. 2 - Go down the outcome rabbit hole: Explore the worst-case and best-case scenarios of failure to put it in perspective. 3 - Evaluate past fai