Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Living with chronic pain with Dr Adrian Lopresti and Anjelo Ratnachandra



In this week’s episode Anjelo Ratnachandra, physiotherapist, counsellor and chronic pain patient shares his firsthand experience of living with chronic pain, including the physical, mental, and emotional hurdles he overcame to adapt to life with an often-invisible condition. Together Anjelo and Dr Adrian Lopresti explore how mindset, behavioural therapies, and a holistic approach to treatment can help patients to manage, adapt, and thrive while living with pain. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/living-chronic-pain-dr-adrian-lopresti-and-anjelo-ratnachandra Sign up for our monthly newsletter for the latest exclusive clinical tools, articles, and infographics: https://pages.blackmores.com.au/FXM-signup.html ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on fx Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified h