League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

How we can change the dating culture...



was in tears multiple times this past weekend. I sat back in awe as I watched women all over the world stand up for what they believe. It confirmed what I already knew...that women who stand together can change the world. And there is a lot of change needed. As a life coach who works with singles, I am constantly blown away by the powerful women I see who rock their jobs/businesses, have strong, beautiful friendships, are raising thoughtful children and yet struggle with self worth and giving away their power in dating and relationships. That shit breaks my heart.   I want to take that power, that beautiful fucking vibe that flowed through the world this weekend, and have a conversation on how we keep it going. In the small ways, on a day to day basis, in your everyday life, not just in the overall fight to stick up for what you believe (which you should totally keep doing too), but for the every day culture of women. Listen as I break down today on how to do this!