League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

I Admit It! I Have Been Known To Fake It



Seriously, it might be a problem. No you dirty birdies, I am not talking about orgasms!  Get your head out of the gutter.  What would your mother think?! I am talking about how I get up every day and fake most parts of my life.  Definitely this business, but plenty of other stuff too. Listen in on how and why I fake it every day and how it can work for you too.  Especially when it comes to love.  I am serious!   YOUR ADVENTURE OF THE DAY: Stop overthinking everything and start letting go of the outcome so you can just enjoy the deliciousness of the journey.  Stop looking for things to “fit” into your idea of perfect and the way they are supposed to look.  Look at how you can change your perspective to see everything as a success instead of a frustration.  How can you fake it until you get the hang of it?