League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Stop Making Up Stories In Your Head That Aren't True!



Seriously, stop doing it. It is so beneath you. What do I mean? Here is what I mean. I regularly get to talk to really smart and amazing singles. However, sometimes we start to talk about a past situation they are stuck on or a mediocre situation that is still hanging around in the air like a bad cheese smell and the smart and amazing gets thrown out the window. They all of a sudden get that whiney sound in their voice and say something usually like “I know they are {fill in totally crappy quality}…but I just still like them. I don’t know why!” At that moment, my inner life coach starts to silently cry in the fetal position in frustration. Listen to some smart stuff on why this is kicking your ass and what to do about it!  Here is my friend Rob that I talked about in the podcast.  He is brilliant.   YOUR ADVENTURE OF THE DAY: Journal on these questions. *What stories are you telling yourself that is holding you back from real love? *What stories have you made up about your past relatiobships (good or bad) th