League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Guess What? You Probably Suck At Relationships



True Story. I realize that I am cotton candy and rainbows most of the time, but this podcast is about hard-core truths! Quit your whining...there is some really good stuff here today! Listen in as Kira drops some knowledge on the difference between love and relationships and which one you should be looking for. Also, a mindset that will help you move into better relationships when you find them. It's pretty good stuff, promise. Your Adventure of the Day: Take a step back and look at your relationship role models.  What did you learn?  Is it going to help you create a good relationship?  Who can be your new relationship role models?  What are they doing to create something that lasts?  What can you start working on today to get yourself ready? Can I help?