League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Can We All Just Give Each Other A Break Already?



WARNING!!!  I may have been a little salty on this podcast and pretty....let's use the word frustrated, shall we? It is just such an important topic and one that we all need to hear and talk about.  So please ignore my feistiness if it offends, but hear the message behind it.  It is a doozy. Listen below to this feisty, frustrated, saltiness that is all meant with love:)   Your Adventure of the Day: Everyone has something to teach you and even if you have dug in a little and are seeing some differences that aren’t going to work, everyone has a story you can learn from.  The moment you embrace that, this dating thing is going to get a whole lot better.  You might even be amazed what you find out. Go out this week and collect stories.  Open up your child-like curiosity and just listen.  Learn.  and more importantly understand.  Because when we understand who people are and where they are coming from that is where love and kindness and a whole lot of amazing can grow. Get on this.