Share Talk Ltd

European Green Transition PLC (AIM:EGT) Operational Update from CEO Aiden Lavelle & CFO Jack Kelly



European Green Transition PLC (AIM: EGT) CEO Aiden Lavelle and CFO Jack Kelly take Share Talk Zak Mir through the latest developments at the Limni copper project in Cyprus. Here is the list of questions: You announced an option for a Copper Tailings Recycling project in Cyprus back in April and I see you had results out today on this; Aiden, can you please tell us more Jack, it was mentioned that there is potential for a solar energy project there also – tell me more about that. Aiden, the Olserum Rare Earth Project in Sweden, which is 100% owned by the company, has announced a raft of positive results over the last few months. How are things progressing there? What’s next up for the Olserum Rare Earths project? It was mentioned that drilling is expected to start in H2? Jack, I found the recently announced Altan Peatland Carbon Credit Project very interesting– how do you see that working? How do you see the Carbon Credit Project fitting in with EGT’s strategy of ‘developing a portfolio of green economy