Overdue Finds

123. Best Cover Songs



What's your favourite cover song? On this episode, Bryce and Caroline are joined by Josh from the Capilano Branch and Matt from EPL’s marketing department to chat about the most memorable and unexpected cover songs. A lot of great artists and lots of great renditions are discussed, and you will probably want to create your own playlist of favourite originals plus covers after listening to this episode.  You will also hear some ‘hot takes’ (Did Bryce just dis The Beatles?) and there are some strong recommendations (as in Caroline wants you to pause the podcast and go listen to this ‘spoken word’ cover RIGHT NOW!). Find out which holiday tunes the crew themselves would like to cover. And - if you happen to be recovering from a break-up, Caroline has an empowering cover-song suggestion for you!  Don't forget to check out our list of all titles that we talk about on this episode that you can borrow from EPL.  Remember to review us on Apple Podcasts and share your favourite picks with us at podcast@epl.ca, or on