Overdue Finds

06 Pop Culture Confessions Part 1 - Movies



This week Kim and Bryce confess and expound upon some of the most favourite and least favourite movies. We've polled the Edmonton Public Library staff and share some relatively controversial opinions! Take a listen and send us your thoughts. For a complete list of all the materials talked about in this episode please visit - https://epl.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1176606007_overdue_finds/1204490177_pop_culture_confessions_part_1_-_movies  We would love to hear from our listeners so if you have any comments or questions about the show please email us at podcast@epl.ca.  Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EPLdotCA/.  Reach us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/EPLdotCA.  Our next episode will be available on June 22nd where we'll be chatting about some great books to read this Summer.