Jackie's Books Podcast

New Paperbacks!



Get your copy of "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin here: https://www.amazon.com/Audible-Tomorrow-Novel/dp/B09KD6TCSP/ Get your copy of "Through the Groves" by Anne Hull here: https://www.amazon.com/Through-the-Groves-A-Memoir/dp/B09GCND8ZM/ Get your copy of "The End of Drum-Time" by Hanna Pylväinen here: https://www.amazon.com/Audible-End-Drum-Time-Novel/dp/B0B1KFLX6W/ Get your copy of "Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration" by Alejandra Oliva here: https://www.amazon.com/Rivermouth-Chronicle-Language-Faith-Migration/dp/B0C7Y7JJDX/ Learn more about Jackie and her books here: https://jackieadamssite.wordpress.com/ Until next time!