Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Called To Be A Parent, V-Steaming Company, Intentional Pregnancy, Miscarriage & Birth In A Bubble - Jessica and Andrew Pratt S6 E87



- 2016 Jessica discover's v-steaming; she and Andrew set out to develop the world's best home electronic v-steam seat - 2017 Married in an beautiful outdoor ceremony in Warwick, NY; fire in September that year forces us to move out. Blessing in disguise, we figured out how to work remotely and moved to a small 250 year old cottage rental in upstate NY - 2018 We decide together its time to try for a child! Very intentional process with ovulation tracking,"spirit baby" meditations to call in our child to be, and of course vaginal steaming... - Month 4 we conceived - Crazy whirlwind over next 7 months exploring care provider options - birth center --> OB --> hospital holistic OB -- hospital midwife --> finally ending up on homebirth w/ midwife and doula - 7/11/19 our daughter Yarrow is born at home "in a bubble" totally miraculous beautiful home birth - a couple stitches, postpartum care at home... postpartum steaming, lochia... - 1.5 years later miscarriage, then documenting