Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Doctor of Physical Therapy Realizes Gaps in Postpartum Care After Her C-section - Kelly Urionaguena S7 E1



I'm a first-time mom of a little boy, who is 18 months old. My experience with healthcare during pregnancy and postpartum was not positive. I was always left wanting more information about health and fitness.  I ended up having a cesarean and never once saw my Doctor in the hospital. No education on healing, getting out of bed or caring for an infant with a new abdominal wound.  I'm fortunate to have my education in Physical Therapy. I cannot imagine how moms feel in my similar situation who don't have the knowledge to help themselves.  Having babies and parenting is hard. It takes a village as the adage, but some peoples' villages suck. I want to help if I can.  I chose to start my own business to combat some of the norms in America. Like needing to choose a career or family. I want to choose both. And provide a service that is friendly to moms. Not only a service that is needed or is lacking in today's healthcare, but try to eliminate barriers such as needing childcare to