Jj Virgin Lifestyle Show

From Struggle to Strength with Mari Llewellyn



"I was ready to feel happy again, and every time I got that endorphin boost, I was like, oh my God, this is why I'm doing this." - Mari Llewellyn   Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, both mentally and physically? My guest today, Mari Llewellyn, knows that feeling all too well, but found a sustainable and satisfying way out. As the co-founder of Bloom and the founder of Strength by Mari, Mari's story is a testament to the transformative power of fitness and mental health. She joins us to share her incredible journey from battling severe mental health issues and significant weight gain to becoming a successful fitness entrepreneur and mental health advocate. In this episode, Mari takes us back to 2017, a pivotal year when she decided to turn her life around. Struggling with borderline personality disorder, depression, and anxiety, Mari found herself at 250 pounds and deeply unhappy. She recalls how simple dietary and lifestyle swaps began to change her life. The gym became her sanctuary, where she discovered th