Yoga | Birth | Babies

How to Thrive in Matrescence with Emese Parker, NP



Matrescence, A.K.A. becoming a mother/parent, is a developmental milestone that brings forth a major identity shift within us. Every parent’s personal definition of this milestone will be wildly different, and each journey will look a myriad of different ways, but a universal perspective we can adopt about matrescence is that it can be an opportunity to grow more into ourselves. To have this conversation with me today on Yoga | Birth | Babies, I have Emese Parker. Emese is a board-certified women’s health nurse practitioner, pregnancy & motherhood support specialist, award-winning author, public health geek, mama, and matrescence activist. She has been in the healthcare field for over 20 years and is passionate about supporting and empowering women, promoting perinatal mental health wellness, and walking with women through various life transitions—especially pregnancy and motherhood. I’m so excited for you to hear this conversation on matrescence. Although this life transition can be full of new-baby bliss,