The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Redefining Success: I Made $5 Million in Revenue and Still “Failed”



In this episode, I share my eye-opening experience about what success truly means in the startup world. For years, I prided myself on always finding a way to win, whether in sports, school, or work. But my experience with startup culture completely changed my perspective on success. I thought we were killing it with $5 million in annual revenue, but from a venture capitalist's perspective, we were failing at being a unicorn. This humbling experience taught me that success isn't about meeting others' expectations—it's about defining our own success and playing the game we want to play. Some highlights we explore: The venture capitalist's perspective on startups vs. traditional success. Defining your own version of success with the IDEA System: Imagine, Design, Execute, Amplify. Overcoming the fear of forging your own path. The power of small, consistent actions in achieving big results. Enjoy!