Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 506: Should We Be Concerned About Kamala Harris Becoming President?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What do the Three Weeks teach us today?    How does this time period help us get through challenges?  Can we connect the latest tragic rocket attack killing 12 children and teens to this time of year?  Who is the destructive angel Ketev Meriri that is unleashed during the three weeks, and what can we do to protect ourselves from him?  Can we expect that the sadness of this period will be transformed to joy as the joy of Simchat Torah was transformed to tears on October 7th?  What is unique about the three Shabbosim of the Three Weeks?  Does fear of G-d include trembling?   What is the meaning of Matos and Masei, and what is the significance of their coming together?  Is Judaism rigid or fluid?  How do these Torah chapters empower us in the Three Weeks?  Are those living comfortably outside of Israel like the tribes of Reuven, Gad and half of Menashe?   What can we learn from this parsha about taking booty from Gaza?  What is the signif