Partakers Christian Podcasts

Angels - Bible Thought - WISE



Angel Bookshops are filled with books on Angels!  But we must beware, for not all angels are good!  We know from the Bible that there are good angels and bad angels.    Angels   From the Bible, we know that angels are created beings (Psalm 148:2-5) possibly created before humanity (Job38:7). We know that angels carry God’s message (Luke 1)   The writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us that angels serve humans who are inheriting salvation (Hebrews 1:14)! They appear in human form, as in Abraham’s visitor (Genesis 18). Whilst angels are genderless, they invariably, when appearing to people, have masculine names such as Michael and Gabriel. They can neither die (Luke 20:36) nor  marry (Mark 12:25).  Being personal and intelligent, they communicate with humans.  They have a will (2 Peter 2:4), are separate from humanity (1 Corinthians 6v3) and powerful yet also finite.  There are large companies of angels (Revelation 5:11), which are organized into ra