Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

474 - A Profile on OneUp Fitness with Matt Mombourquette: Tracking Client Progress with Biomarkers, Driving Leads with Agencies, and Finding Great Trainers



Is tracking your client’s biomarkers the future of science-based strength training and the door to a new universe of health optimization, or is this just another passing trend? Matt Mombourquette is the owner of OneUp Fitness, a HITuni-certified Personal Trainer, and a Kinesiologist with a degree from Dalhousie University.    He joins me in this episode to talk about how he is exploring the future of HIT training through fine-tuning muscular health by tracking very specific biomarkers, along with what this could mean for the HIT business sphere and our strength training clients.   We also talk about the misconceptions about animal protein and fat intake, attracting new clients, effective ways of recruiting new trainers, and balancing the pros and cons of tracking body composition metrics in terms of business benefits and how useful these might be to your clients.    If the cutting edge of optimizing body composition and giving your clients more meaningful workout experiences is something you’re keen on, giv