Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 372: Top 8 KPIS for Wholesalers & Flippers [+Free Property Repair Estimate Checklist] w/ Shane Garza



Once upon a time, Shane spent 4 years in Prison, was homeless, using drugs, and headed in the wrong direction. Fast forward to 2022, he leads a team of nearly 10 people running a 7-figure wholesaling & flipping business. One of the things Shane excels at is organized growth. He knows what KPIS, key performance indicators, to pay attention to and how to use them to scale your real estate investing business. So, if your one KPI is - "am I making money?" you might want to listen in. In the early days, that's totally fine. But if you're doing deals regularly, spending money on ads, and leading a team, you need your metrics dialed in. Listen in and we'll break it down. Mentioned in this Episode:Free Property Repair Estimate Checklist:'s Carrot site: -> Rocket Station ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergree