Embody Radio

Harnessing the Power of Ketones for Enhancing Athletic Performance, Increasing Mental Clarity, Disease Prevention, and Longevity | with Dr. Latt Mansor



It's no secret the the word "keto" has gotten... shall we say "mixed" reviews in the fitness space, particularly in the science-based physique transformation space. But what if we're missing some of the picture? What if ketones, a substrate our bodies naturally produce, could be used exogenously to enhance our athletic performance, improve cognitive performance, prevent disease, and just... live a better life? Dr. Latt Mansor of Ketone-IQ is on the show today to talk about just that - how we can harness the power of ketones for better health, performance, and longevity. Dr. Latt Mansor holds a PhD in Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics from the University of Oxford. He also holds an MA (Columbia University) and BS (University of Nottingham) in Biotechnology. Latt brings over a decade of experience spanning academic research, health technology, and pharmaceuticals. As H.V.M.N.’s Research Lead, he oversees the scientific development and clinical applications for all H.V.M.N. products. Follow Latt Here Check out Ke