League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Happiness Basics: How to Actually Raise your Happiness Set Point



You know all those things you were taught were going to make you happy?   Perfect job, relationship, house, body, etc...that once you had them, you were THEN going to be happy? Turns out, all BS. Today on the pod I go to my Happiness Basics and talk about the super interesting theory called the happiness set point.  I talk about: What it is and why it matters Why all the things you are doing ARE NOT going to raise your happiness set point What actually does. Where to get started. Have you checked out THRIVE?  A brand new positive psychology program w/retreats for women over 40 to learn the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to thrive in midlife. Unlearn the beliefs that don’t work anymore, get more joy on a daily basis, regulate your emotions, build deep self-worth, and learn how to feed & move the body you have NOW.  Check out all the information here Article referenced