Mba News Digest Podcast

From Lead Collection to Fan Creation - Guiding Learners Through Your Graduate Programs Learner Journey The Program Management View



Once learners realize a learning need, they usually start a journey to address it. Many times, the journey starts out as self-directed and, at some point, it transitions to a guided journey. When a graduate degree program is involved, much of the self-directed journey planning starts with a web browser and an internet search. And during any stage of their search, learners may evaluate multiple journeys, all created by competing graduate programs. The journey the learner ultimately selects is likely the one with the best guidance throughout each leg of the journey they are exploring. From a graduate program management view, the best guidance is likely provided by a journey organized around three systems: Lead Collection, Learner Conversion, and Fan Creation. Designing and managing the journey with a systems approach facilitates the coordination of the program’s moving parts and components, which helps ensure learners receive the guidance they seek at each phase of any journey they are exploring. Let me give