Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Ryan Bridge: What are our wealthy politicians going to do with their tax cut?



Income tax cuts kick in for us today and 94% of us will get a few extra bucks.  Will it be swallowed up by your mortgage, or your insurance going up, or your rates? Probably, but better we get the money and decide what to do with it than the politicians, right?  Also today, MPs get their first pay rise since 2017, and watch closely, watch those particularly who shout the loudest about equality, and fairness, and justice, and all those good things.  Do they put their money where their mouth is today?  Chris Luxon, for his sins —and I assume it's to stave off the inevitable media storm about he's rich, he's white, he's got seven houses— he has promised to donate his full tax cut 20 bucks a week to charity, also the increase in his pay to charity.  Hipkins, what's happening over at Labour HQ?  Well, Labour has apparently emailed their supporters asking for the tax cut to be donated.  It sounds good. Not to Women's Refuge or Kids Can, but to Labour.  Yes. Take your tax cut and give it to Labour.  But what about t