Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

466 - To Be Human - Part Sixteen: Unity in Diversity



To Be Human - Part Sixteen: Unity in Diversity. Today, Mike and Tim discuss Genesis Chapter two and the creation of male and female. They explore the concept of the human being solitary and the need for a helper suitable for him. They delve into the meaning of the words 'helper' and 'suitable' and how they have been misunderstood. They also discuss the significance of the deep sleep that Adam falls into and the use of the word 'rib' in the creation of Eve. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the true meaning of these concepts and their implications for human relationships. This is a conversation about unity in diversity as seen in the creation of male and female in Genesis 2. They explore the idea that the creation of woman as a strong helper (Ezer) is similar to the construction of the temple and tabernacle, highlighting the equality between male and female. Further, they discuss the implications of this unity in diversity for the church and the importance of