Look Forward

Ep383: Weird Weirdos Being Weird (J.D. Vance, SCOTUS Reform, End of Elections?)



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Brad return to discuss the seemingly party wide buyer's remorse of picking J.D. Vance as Trump's vice presidential candidate, Trump says the quiet part outloud on whether future elections will be allowed if he is president again, the far right is now seeing Trump as not conservative enough on abortion, Biden goes big in his quest to reign in the Supreme Court with some serious reforms, Musk shows yet again why you should leave his ridiculous social media platform, Netanyahu comes to address Congress and its as awful as you'd assume it would be, Pete Buttigieg's audition for VP for Kamala Harris is a sight to see, and much more.StoriesGOP feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse on the couch they just fucked boughtSo Trump and Co just did...no VP vetting?Presidential candidate assures voters they won’t have to worry about voting in four yearsTrump actually makes an astute point on abortion, gets booed for it?Biden not planning on being a lame duckReally beginning to think this guy sh