People And Projects Podcast: Project Management Podcast

PPP 428 | How a Navy SEAL Commander Can Help You Unlock Optimal Team Performance, with Rich Diviney



Summary In this episode, Andy talks with Rich Diviney, a retired Navy SEAL commander, about his book, The Attributes: 25 Drivers of Optimal Performance. Rich shares his insights on the difference between attributes and skills, the concept of optimal performance, and how understanding these attributes can help build high-performing teams. They also talk about the importance of dynamic subordination, the relevance of attributes in hiring processes, and how parents can help their children develop these essential traits. The conversation highlights the need to look beyond resumes and skills when evaluating team members and the value of understanding and developing attributes for individual and team success. If you're looking for an innovative way to better understand and develop yourself and your team, this is a must-listen episode. Sound Bites "In stress, challenge, and uncertainty, when things hit the fan, personality tends to go out the window. We're running on these very raw things called attributes." "We tr