Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Muse For Meditation; Ariel Garten



Ariel Garten is a neuroscientist, innovator, and entrepreneur who empowers individuals with the Muse for meditation. Ariel is the co-creator of Muse, a brain-sensing headband designed to enhance meditation and mindfulness practices. Dedicated to empowering individuals to conquer mental barriers, Ariel helps people foster healthy, happy lives, and unlock their full potential. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.ChooseMuse.com (Use discount code ‘MindfulnessMode' for 15% off) Most Influential Person Michael Apollo  (Michael is the Founder and President of Mindful Gateway Consulting and a leader in the field of mindfulness) Effect On Emotions Mindfulness helps me deal with my emotions very effectively. The first thing that comes to mind is a stubbornness that would come up in conflict with my husband. The stubbornness would come up in two parts. I would need to be right and he would need to be right. That would create at