

Silver Quintette - "Sinner's Crossroads" [0:00:00] Wiley Johnson - "See How The World Has Changed" [0:03:29] Emma James Singers of Montgomery, Alabama - "I'm Sealed (To The Day of Redemption)" [0:06:17] Stars of Hope - "Hallelujah" [0:10:45] Lonzo Knowles of Chicago, Ill. - "Ain't Nothing Without God" [0:14:39] Pilgrim Travelers of Tuskegee, Alabama - "On the Battlefield" [0:21:21] True Heavenly Spiritual Singers - "Strange Things" [0:24:56] Gospel Crusaders - "Man from Galilee" [0:30:04] Macadonia Stars - "Leaning" [0:34:20] Pastor Gregory Macon - "Bow Down" ["Whooping" (also given as "hooping") is a term for a Black (African American) oratorical and homiletic (sermon) style that some pastors use at the end of their sermons to heighten the spirit and emotions of their congregations. Whooping is described as pastors speaking in a call & response, sing/song cadence. Responses to the pastor's words ("call") are from the congregation which might repeat his or her words, and/or shout "Amen!", "Preach!", "Yes,